THE TRANSIENCE OF AD/HD. Is it permanent and lifelong? Transient? Something in between? A study reported in Scientific American Mind indicates that more than half of children diagnosed with hyperactive AD/HD or inattentive AD/HD did not qualify for a diagnosis at a two-year follow-up. For children with combined-type AD/HD, between 18 and 35 percent lost their diagnosis. You can read part of the article at the SciAm Mind site.
AD/HD SCHOLARSHIP. We recently saw notice of the Novotni College Scholarship available for college students with AD/HD, issued by the Attention Deficit Disorder Association. You may find more information about this and other AD/HD-related scholarships at or at the site of the woman for whom the scholarship is named. Application deadline: March 15.
SENSORY INTEGRATION RESOURCE. If your bright young person has sensory integration issues, you might be interested in a free e-newsletter from S.I. Focus Magazine. Check it out.
GIFTED EDUCATION, DOWN THE TUBES. Budget cuts are affecting the world of gifted education, as evidenced by an article in The New York Times last Saturday. We all want that "Sputnik moment" President Obama referred to -- but evidently we don't want to (or can't) pay for it. Read more about funding for gifted education across the country.
GIFTED EDUCATION PRESS QUARTERLY. On the other hand, Maurice Fisher's newsletter on the topic is still free, and he's just released the Spring issue of this 25-year-old publication. In it: an excerpt from a book co-authored by Susan Assouline on the topic of the development of mathematical talent; and an article titled "Why Gifted Students Need Trained Gifted Teachers." Find the newsletter.
NOT PAYING ATTENTION. We recently pointed to an item in Scientific American on how the wandering mind has led to historical creative breakthroughs. Now comes an article on the same topic in the Wall Street Journal, noting the link between daydreaming and creativity. Part of the article relates how AD/HD kids actually turn out to be more likely to be creative in terms of being recognized at art shows or science fairs. It turns out that being distractible and having a high IQ leads to open-mindedness and problem-solving ability. Read more.
BIOMARKER FOR AUTISM? ABC News reports on a study of brain waves in infants that indicates a distinctive pattern of waves in babies who might be at a higher risk for the disorder -- eg, who have older siblings with the diagnosis. Find out more.