SENG SURVEY FOR PARENTS OF GIFTED. The organization Supporting Emotional Needs of the Gifted is sponsoring a survey to help educate doctors and the public about gifted kids and to support appropriate training for doctors and medical personnel. SENG invites parents of gifted children to participate in the survey. Find out more.
BRAIN IMAGING FOR DIAGNOSIS? Not yet, but maybe soon. ABC's station WLS in Chicago reported on research at the University of Illinois/Chicago where researchers are attempting to use brain imaging to "see" disorders such as AD/HD and to differentiate AD/HD from bipolar disorder. Read more.
LD IN COLLEGE. As many as 8 percent of first-year students entering four-year colleges in the United States self-report that they have AD/HD or a learning disability, according to research from UCLA. The percentage has increased in recent years. An article in the UCLA Daily Bruin provides background information on the ADA and how UCLA handles such students; read it.
CHILDHOOD IMMUNIZATION RECOMMENDATIONS UPDATED. Read in US News about the most recent guidelines on vaccination from the American Academy of Pediatrics.
AUTISM AND "THEORY OF M IND." Research at MIT indicates that those with high-functioning autism "appear to have trouble using theory of mind to make moral judgments in certain situations," and to have trouble understanding the intentions of a second party. Read more.
AD/HD AND NUTRITION. Parents sometimes suspect that AD/HD symptoms may be worsened by certain foods; now a study in the Netherlands showed that an "elimination diet" improved symptoms in 46 percent of the children participating. The elimination diet reduces the foods in the diet most likely to cause allergic reaction. Read about the study.
COMPETITION. Discovery Education and 3M have announced the 2011 call for entries for the 13th annual Young Scientist Challenge, the nation's premier science competition for students in grades 5th through 8th. Ten finalists will be selected to receive an all-expense paid trip to the 3M Innovation Center in St. Paul, Minn. to compete in the final challenge in October, 2011. The winner will receive $25,000 and the title of "America's Top Young Scientist."