DIET AND IQ. Diet in early childhood can affect later IQ, according to a study reported in Science Daily. In a longitudinal study of kids born in 1991 and 1992, the type of diet at age 3 -- processed, traditional, or health-conscious -- resulted in a a few points of difference in IQ at age 8 and a half. Find out more, and then either flagellate or congratulate yourself for the way you fed that toddler.
KID ON FACEBOOK? Now your gifted kid can use a Facebook app to tell how likely he or she might be to get into a particular college. Find out more.
THINKING ABOUT E-LEARNING for that bright, homeschooled kid? Be prepared to be very involved as parent. That's the message in an Education Week article. Find it.
INTERESTED IN TECHNOLOGY IN EDUCATION? Education Week has published a newsletter called Digital Directions, billed as "trends and advice for K-12 technology leaders." Read an issue.
EDUCATION NEWS.ORG. Michael Shaughnessy interviews a school psychologist about the nature of gifted kids and the challenges they face in school -- such as peers, bullying, and emotional issues. Find the interview.
PARENTING BOOKS. In 2e: Twice-Exceptional Newsletter, we routinely review books we feel will be of use and of interest to the 2e community. In the Newton Patch, a "hyperlocal" news outlet for Newton, Connecticut, we encountered this paragraph that piqued our interest: "Whether a child is 'spirited,' 'difficult,' 'indigo,' learning disabled, out of the box, food sensitive, hyperactive, obsessive/compulsive, 'explosive,' un-focused, gay, speech-delayed, spiritual, sensitive, 'out of sync,' shy, coping with a parent’s divorce, gifted, or unmotivated -- there is a book available." The writer provides descriptions of some of her favorite parenting books encountered over the years, including titles such as The Edison Trait -- Saving the Spirit of Your Nonconforming Child. Find the list, see if you agree, and maybe let us know if you have favorite books our community should know about.
AN UPSIDE TO AD/HD. New research indicates that adults with AD/HD are more creative. The researcher attributes it to "a different way of thinking." Read more.
COLOR AND MOOD. In the decor of Waldorf Schools, first established by visionary Rudolph Steiner in 1919, color plays a very important and intentional part. Now a writer for St. Louis Today interviews a color expert from the Paint Quality Institute on "color psychology." What color should your child's bedroom be? Find out which colors have what effects. Here's a hint: red is probably not the first choice for a child's bedroom.
AND FINALLY: OVER THE TOP? BabyFirst, a cable and satellite channel, has announced the launch of BabyU, which they call "the most comprehensive online learning destination for babies and toddlers under age three." You can find out more at the BabyFirst site. Looks like it's subscription-based.