HELP THE GIFTED COMMUNITY. The organization SENG (Supporting Emotional Needs of the Gifted) is competing for grant money in a Pepsi Cola giveaway; the money SENG hopes to receive will allow it to extend its Parent Support groups across the country, making it more of a local organization. You can support SENG by voting early and often in the contest. See SENG's Facebook page; see Pepsi's contest page.
NEW 2e BOOK COMING. Author, presenter, and 2e advocate Beverly Trail tells us that Prufrock Press will be publishing her new book Twice-Exceptional Gifted Children: Understanding, Teaching, and Counseling Gifted Students beginning in November. Find out more about the "trail" to this book in the next issue of 2e Newsletter, or learn more about the book itself at the Prufrock site.
INCLUDING AUTISTICS. The Madison, Wisconsin, public schools make an effort to include those with disabilities in regular classes, according to an article in The New York Times. The article focuses on "Garner," who a classmate says "puts a little twist in our lives." Garner's real good at memorizing public transportation routes. He enjoys running with his cross-country teammates, even though he's prone to getting lost. And he also has a thing for elevators, being able to describe features of the various types he encounters in town. Read this affirming article.
PREVIOUS BLOG POST. Back on July 2nd we posted about a study on dopamine and impulsivity. The writeup of the study we read seemed to imply -- if not outright state -- that AD/HD is characterized by high levels of dopamine. After we published the item as part of our August briefing, an astute reader questioned the item, commenting that most research shows that low dopamine levels are associated with AD/HD, and that stimulants such as Ritalin raise those levels, enabling better mental functioning. We've asked for clarification from the organization that published the press release about the study. (Read the release if you're interested and think you might have an explanation other than ignorance on the part of your blogger.)
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