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AD/HD ONLINE CHAT. CHADD's "Ask the Expert" online chat at 3:30 EST Thursday, January 20, will feature Russell Barkley. The topic: The importance of executive function in understanding and managing AD/HD. Find more information.
BRAIN-MAPPING DYSCALCULIA. According to the Toronto Globe and Mail, an Ontario neuroscientist is using MRI testing to try to find differences in the brains of those who have dyscalculia, difficulty with math. The study focuses on "the seemingly simple ability to understand what numbers mean." An estimated five percent of the population has this learning disability, according to the article. Read more.
AD/HD COACHING. If the article in the most recent 2e: Twice-Exceptional Newsletter on AD/HD coaching caught your interest, you might want to check out articles on the topic at, including a request to share how AD/HD coaching has helped. Find it.
GAMING, INTERNET, AND KIDS. Two recently-published studies deal with the effects of media use. One study, conducted on elementary and middle-school children in Singapore, found that that excessive gaming could cause depression and bad grades; "excessive" was defined as more than 31 hours a week. The article noted the AAP's recommendation that elementary-school children get no more than one hour of screen time a day, and high schoolers no more than two hours. (The Entertainment Software Association responded, sorry, there's no concrete evidence.) Another study found that too much Internet use (and even too little!) can be related to depression in teenagers. This study categorized up to two hours per day of online time as "normal."