THE ENCYCLOPEDIA OF GIFTEDNESS, CREATIVITY AND TALENT, edited by Barbara Kerr, has been released by Sage Publications. According to Sage, the encyclopedia presents state-of-the-art research and ready-to-use facts from the fields of education, psychology, sociology, and the arts. 2e Newsletter publisher Linda Neumann contributed the article on twice-exceptionality. See the publisher's blurb.
ATTENTION RESEARCH UPDATE. The most recent issue of this e-newsletter from David Rabiner has been posted. The topic is social information processing, its impact on relationships in children, and whether it's helped by AD/HD medications. The net-out: it's not, but if you're interested in reading about the framework for understanding the way children process information in a social situation, check out the newsletter.
KINDLE FOR TEXTBOOKS? An article in eSchool News reports on a recent proposal to supply students with Kindles, Amazon's electronic reader, so that textbooks could be cheaply distributed and updated. On the face of it, the arrangement would seem to benefit gifted and twice-exceptional students, not only allowing differentiation through access to more books cheaply, but also providing a text-to-speech function for those 2e kids who have trouble reading. The proposal, however, has its detractors. Read the article.
VIDEO GAMES AND THE BRAIN. Our unscientific experience with video games indicates that gifted children, boys especially, are very attracted to them. We've read about games having negative effects -- and positive. An article at the Dana Foundation site addresses the issue. Read it.
UNWRAPPING THE GIFTED. Tamara Fisher reports on one of her favorite places, Edufest, an annual gifted education conference in Boise, Idaho. Find out Fisher's impressions along with the responses she got when she asked attendees what they learned that they thought everyone else ("out there") needs to know. One response dealt with twice-exceptionalities. Find the blog.
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