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ATTENTION RESEARCH UPDATE. Those of you interested in Dr. David Rabiner's research summaries on issues of AD/HD which might affect your high-ability child, be advised that the latest edition of "Attention Research Update" is online here. The topic of the month: The impact of working memory training and medication treatment on working memory in children with ADHD. (Whew -- long title.)

NAGC OFFERS A DEAL. Webinars on Wednesdays, an offering from the National Association for Gifted Children (that's right -- about your kid), has initiated a series of professional development events allowing attendees to listen, view slides and handouts, and question presenters. Parents are included in the intended audience, and for the rest of this year the webinars are free. Find the topics and the details.

FROM THE DAVIDSON INSTITUTE. You may now meet this year's Davidson Fellows at the DITD website. Be awed (unless you're their parents, of course). Find out more about the Davidson Institute here.

MORE STUFF as the days pass from M to T to W etc...