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DUAL ENROLLMENT FOR BRIGHT KIDS. Young people in high school -- or even middle school -- who are ready for college work are increasingly trying simultaneous enrollment in both the lower-level grades and college. Education Next explains how dual enrollment works in certain states, focusing on what's in it for the kids and what's in it for the schools. Read the article
MATH ANXIETY is the subject of an article in Education Week. Apparently, just the suggestion of a math test can trigger a stress response in the brain. The article explains how the stress response can interfere with problem solving, hobbling the prefrontal cortex, and also how anxiety can even cause a form of dyscalculia. Dr. Judy Willis, who has contributed to 2e Newsletter, is one of those quoted in the article. Find it

MEDS FROM YOUR PSYCHOLOGIST? Some states are considering allowing psychologists to prescribe certain medications, in part because access to a psychiatrist can be difficult for many people; there's a shortage. Psychologists in New Mexico and Louisiana already can prescribe psychotropics, according to an article in the Chicago Tribune. Those states require the participating psychologists to acquire what amounts to another master's degree in psychopharmacology. Find out more
SCHOOL MOTIVATION can come from a desire to please parents, according to research reported at HealthDay. Kids studied in the U.S. and China show that those who feel connected to their parents do better academically. Is your bright youngster motivated? Read the article.
SUMMER PROGRAMS. The May/June issue of 2e: Twice-Exceptional Newsletter, just out, included our annual roundup of 2e-friendly summer camps, but if you're looking for a broader range of gifted programs than we covered, check out Hoagies' exhaustive listing of camps and programs from all over the world. Find it.  
O.D.D. Our Facebook quote of the week was from "I just tell them to do things they already want to do, she said, & even then, it's like pulling teeth."  
AND FINALLY, THIS, from a press release. "Test Tutor Publishing (AKA The Test Tutor) has created WPPSI-III™ and WISC-IV™ Test Preparation Kits to help children develop the skills needed for the IQ tests required for admission into the most selective private schools.... Now, the company has released test preparation materials for the Woodcock-Johnson III™ Tests of Cognitive Ability." Apparently it's never too early to be competitive.