BULK UP THAT HIPPOCAMPUS. Kids who are more physically fit have a bigger hippocampus and perform better on memory tests. The hippocampus is a part of the brain important in learning and memory. Ergo, exercise can lead to better fulfillment of your bright child's potential. Find out more.
SENG WEBINAR. The organization Supporting Emotional Needs of the Gifted is sponsoring a free webinar "Family Event," intended for parents and children, or students and teachers, to watch together. The purpose of the Family Events: to give gifted children "relateable role models who have experienced great success in navigating the world as gifted individuals and implementing out-of-the-box thinking in their lives." The first event features Phil Gordon, former National Merit Scholar and renowned poker player. The webinar is on September 30 in the late afternoon/evening (or the middle of the night), depending on where you are. Find out more.
NEW YORK TIMES MAGAZINE. The substantial Magazine section of the Sunday New York Times, which we sometimes skip because we find it intimidating, last weekend featured education. Among the articles:
- One on the LiveScribe pen that records sound along with what you write; we blogged about this recently (we say smugly)
- One on the history of classroom technology, from the writing slate onward
- One on using video games to teach
- And one on how technology is "redefining what it means to be a student -- or a teacher.
ON HEALTH, AND PUZZLED. We read about a hydration product approved by schools "across the country" for distribution because it is "free of sugar, calories, unnecessary additives and its proven commitment in the fight against childhood obesity." Well, that sounds like water, and indeed the product's name is a take-off on the word. Among the different variants of the product are one which is pure spring water (for the body) and another which is water with oxygen added (for energy). Other variants are for the brain (with electrolytes added) and for power (with magnesium). We wondered why kids would have to buy a hydration product when water was available in school. THEN we stumbled on other news, in the Los Angeles Times, about a bill to require California schools to offer free water with lunch. The problem: perhaps 40 percent of California schools do not provide access to free water where students eat. But will kids drink water that's not a "product" and slickly marketed? And will they drink anything that's not sweet or colored? Find the product website. Find the LA Times article.