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Colorado Springs, CO - The Academy for Advanced and Creative Learning (AACL) seeks highly qualified, caring, and professional personnel who are committed to supporting the unique vision and mission of AACL. AACL seeks individuals from among the most qualified, who want to make a difference in educating all children, and who want to specialize in gifted education. Job descriptions for Academy Director, faculty and staff positions and an online, printable application have been posted at The Academy Director (AD) position will be filled first. The deadline for applying for the AD position is February 10th.

AACL is a new K-8 charter school scheduled to open in Colorado Springs District 11 for the 2010-2011 school year. AACL is designed to meet the needs of gifted, advanced, creative, twice-exceptional, and typical learners who want to excel with a non-traditional, innovative, and open-enrollment program. For more information, interested applicants should review the website link,, or may email AACL at