U.K. 2e-FRIENDLY SCHOOLS? A little help, please, for a 2e Newsletter subscriber who lives in the southwest of U.K., in Wiltshire (near Bath). Our subscriber is looking for a 2e-friendly school for her six-year-old son. If you know of one -- or know someone else who might -- please contact us and we'll put you in touch with our subscriber. Help out the 2e community!
NEUROFEEDBACK FOR AD/HD? If you have a gifted child with AD/HD, you might want to check out an article in US News & World Report about neurofeedback and whether it can retrain the brain to enhance focus. Find the article.
EXPORTING GIFTED ED. The Daily Herald, a Chicago-area newspaper, reported on the visit of a Japanese film crew to DaVinci Academy in Elgin, a Chicago suburb. The footage on DaVinci, a school for gifted grade-schoolers, will be part of a documentary on gifted education in the United States to be aired on a major Japanese television channel. The article quotes the cameraman as asserting that the US is "far more advanced in terms of gifted education." Read the article.
IDL PRESENTS ON UDL. If you live in Washington, DC, area, be advised that the Individual Differences in Learning (IDL) Association is hosting a meeting this coming Monday evening on Universal Design for Learning (UDL). UDL is a research-based practice that can help 2e children thrive, according to the group's website. Find out more.
Thanks to CEC SmartBriefs for leads to a couple of these items.
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