SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN MIND. The October/November issue includes an article titled "Tempering Tantrums" on the topic of emotional outbursts in toddlers, especially excessive "rage attacks" which may indicate problems. The article covers "normal" tantrums, tantrums in willful children, and the influence of genetic factors and language delays. You can read the abstract here, but you'll have to pay SciAm Mind or go to the library if you want to read the full article. Also in the issue: an article on panic and anxiety attacks, which can be triggered by a build-up of stress and may have genetic underpinnings. If your gifted or 2e kid has anxiety issues, you might be interested in the article, this one free on the Mind site.
ATTENTION RESEARCH UPDATE. The October edition of David Rabiner's newsletter covers the development and testing of a program designed to teach basic organizational skills to school-age children with AD/HD. The results: encouraging, according to Rabiner. The newsletter should be here -- but you might have to wait a bit until it's posted.
SCHOLARSHIP OPPORTUNITY. Outstanding 7th graders from families with financial need are invited to apply for the Jack Kent Cooke Foundation’s Young Scholars Program. Successful applicants receive educational advising, financial support for educational opportunities during high school, and the possibility of a college scholarship. Twice-exceptional students are encouraged to apply. Applications are available beginning in January are due April 27, 2009. For more information, see
BUST THE BULLY. The Seattle Post-Intelligencer reports that six Utah schools and nearly 50 schools in other states have introduced a web site to allow students to anonymously report bullies. See the site at
FOOD DYES REDUX. We've covered this before -- food additives that seemingly lead to hyperactive behavior -- but new research noted this week in the Los Angeles Times says that the dyes may be worse than thought. The article cites a recent UK study showing eight- and nine-year-old children having a "significantly adverse affect" from dyes. The UK government then nixed the additives in foods. One expert says that US food manufacturers are putting increasing amounts of the dyes into their products -- as much as five times as much over the past few decades. Read the article.
GT ADVOCACY AND LD ADVOCACY. A column at points out ways to broaden the support for GT education by comparing GT advocacy and funding levels with special ed advocacy and funding levels over the post-World War II period. While 2e kids and parents have an interest in both areas, the disparity in spending between the two is startling; the columnist points out that special ed spending nationally is 100 times GT spending. His recommendations: lobby state senators and representatives; contact the local school superintendent; write to the media; and check NAGC for an advocacy and legislation toolkit. Read the article.
LD ONLINE -- AT FACEBOOK. LD Online is now also on Facebook. If you visit the organization's page there, you'll find a few videos, a "mini-feed" with news stories, recent articles, discussion boards, wall posts, and more. Find the page at Facebook. There's a place on the page where you can sign up for Facebook (if you're not a member) and take full advantage of the LD Online page as well as the rest of Facebook. Get hip! :-)
THE AMERICAN ACADEMY OF PEDIATRICS held its annual conference and exhibition this week in Boston. Some of the sessions dealt with topics such as AD/HD. If we can track down coverage of those sessions we'll pass them on. (You can find coverage of some sessions at MedScape; free registration required.) In the meantime, if you visit the AAP's site you can find some resources for AD/HD, autism, and child development.
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